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Botox with AesthetiCare Kansas City

I know the idea of injectable’s can be scary for most. You don’t want to end up looking like a puffy ice queen that can’t move their face while laughing or expressing emotion. Here’s the honest truth though, you will only ever look like that if 1. You don’t do your research and go to a highly recommended + highly reputable med spa and/or 2. If you WAIT until your face is covered with deep lines that everyone in your life is used to seeing you with and then all of a sudden one day they are gone – of course people are going to notice you ‘had something done’ if you go from having very expressive lines to nothing at all. The goal would be to start getting small sprinkles of botox/dysport so that you age gracefully and it’s not such a dramatic change. I’m covering allll the things in today’s post when it comes to botox/dysport, when I started getting it + why and how you can get $100 credit toward a visit with AesthetiCare KC.

AesthetiCare has been a leading injector of Botox and Dysport for over 18 years.  They are the #1 provider of aesthetic injectables in the Kansas City area, and their highly-trained registered nurses have over 45 years experience in aesthetics.  You will simply not find a better place for aesthetic injections!  AesthetiCare wants you to experience their high level of service, so for first time clients only, they offer a wonderful discount on Botox and Dysport.  First time clients pay only $11 per unit for Botox, and $10 for three units of Dysport (3 units of Dysport is equal to one unit of Botox).  As always, they offer a free and thorough consultation and skin evaluation.  You are going to LOVE them!


Summer Double Dollar Referral program is happening now! So not only will you get first time discounted pricing, but you will get $100 worth of credit towards your account to use at your next visit! Whether that’s in 3-4 months when you’re due again for Botox or if they want to try another treatment or product. This counts for any service not just Botox/Dypsort. *Credit to be applied upon your next visit of service. May not be combined with additional discount.

As always, let me know if you have any questions at all by leaving a comment below or sending an email to!

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